Help The World Like No One Else Can
✍ Journaling on my personal "Why" this morning - why I feel so strongly about growing AJC and our "Time Value of Life," as well as The Executagility Company and our mission to help drive effective results efficiently in SMBs.
➡ 💘 It's because I have not yet found anyone else who is doing it better.
My oldest daughter took this image in her high school photography class; she shares images with me that no one else does better!
😁 At AJC, anyone who has ever talked to me about our business knows that I believe *with a passion* that there are so many human beings in this world who have so much to offer in the way of meaningful, value-adding, professional work which upholds our collective human dignity, and for whatever reason (kids, aging parents, hobbies, pre-retirement slowing down, etc.) - cannot or do not want to do it full time or full time plus.
➡ ❗ That doesn't mean they need to step out completely - they have so much to offer the world! ❗ ⬅
💛At AJC, those are the people we bring to our team - we 💛 LOVE 💛giving them the opportunity to shine with our customers who *greatly benefit* from their knowledge and expertise - in ways that often these mid-market customers could not afford because *we don't push billable hours* - so we therefore give just as good, *if not better,* service and value to our customers without the expense of larger firms.
➡As for The Executagility Company - we have developed a structured, yet practical, Agile Project Management capability that mid-market companies' IT Departments can use to get their important work done so THEY TOO can deliver on the promises that no one else can deliver in their own market.
❓ Why the heck WOULDN'T I give it all I that I have to give?
⁉ Who else is going to do it better?