Got Knowledge? (The "K" in the ADKAR Change Management Methodology)

If you've gotten this far in ADKAR - CONGRATULATIONS!

  1. Awareness

  2. Desire

  3. Knowledge

  4. Adoption

  5. Reinforcement

Successfully moving past Awareness and especially through Desire is a HUGE accomplishment - way to go!

In this video discussing Knowledge, there are 3 main take-aways:

  1. Providing Knowledge can be mechanical

  2. There are nuances because different people learn differently

  3. Beware of Backfire: Delays in the Knowledge stage can slide back to lack of Desire and/or Skepticism

Get to and through the Knowledge!

Check out our other video blogs in our series on Change Management:


Michelle Dinsmoor Consultant Highlight


What is a Reasonable ERP Implementation Timeline?