How to Apply The Working Genius to Change Management
It has long been on my mind that The Six Types of Working Genius* can be correlated to effective Change Management. Different Working Geniuses will likely respond to learning about a change differently. Using the The Six Types of Working Genius* - we have come up with areas that each Genius could help the most with Change.
Below are tables for each Working Genius* with a Description, sample questions that people with each genius may ask, and suggestions for how each Genius can help the most with whatever change the organization is facing. We encourage you to apply the Working Genius*to your Change Management activities today!
This set is designed to help teams prepare for addressing initial responses to change by their team and will be more useful if the team has gone through the Working Genius assessment and participated in an introductory facilitated session beforehand.
Happy Changing! - Andrea
*The Working Genius is a model created by Patrick Lencioni of The Table Group. Several members of AJC®’s team are now Certified Facilitators in The Working Genius model. Contact Us today if you are interested in learning how we can bring The Working Genius and/or Change Management to your organization!
The Genius of Wonder and Change Management
The Genius of Invention and Change Management
The Genius of Discernment and Change Management
The Genius of Galvanizing and Change Management
The Genius of Enablement and Change Management
The Genius of Tenacity and Change Management