Grace Chang Consultant Highlight

Has Project Management and Process Improvement changed in the current COVID-19 climate?

For Project Managers and (Process Improvement) Consultants, additional logistical questions are now an essential part of the initial conversations. For instance, we are understandably seeing that virtual tools are becoming the standard practice, which presents questions of project scope and need to determine the right tools. But also, when it can be done safely, it is still valuable to consider doing certain activities, like process mapping or Agile Training, in person for more organic and free-flowing conversations.

As for companies, since many employees are now working from home, they are realizing that their processes are not as seamless as prior to the pandemic. Teleconferencing and videoconferencing may have brought about increased miscommunication, time wasted in meetings, and “video call fatigue.” Other processes within the company that haven’t been improved/updated may have also led to other areas of decreased efficiency and increased waste. 

What are the signs that my organization could use AJC’s Project Management and Process Improvement consulting?

If you find that you need additional accountability for project execution and alignment while navigating company changes, AJC would love to support your organization and team.

Also, consider reaching out to AJC if you find that employees are bringing up concerns about unproductive methods, frustrating bottlenecks within processes, or operational issues that are affecting lead times and efficiency. Eliminating waste within organizational processes and projects is critical to employee and team productivity, smooth and successful execution, and accelerating growth – take the time to re-evaluate your organization and commit to improving.

Will you share a fun fact about yourself with us that people might not know?

I can speak 4 languages. In increasing fluency: Korean, Spanish, Chinese (Mandarin), English. (I guess it’d be 5 languages if you count Pig Latin. Ancay ouyay eakspay Igpay Atinlay ootay?)

Would you rather go 30 days without your phone or your entire life without dessert?

In a heartbeat, I would go without my phone for 30 days – no question about it. Anyone who knows me knows I love my sweets, and it’s an integral part of my happy place! But my craze for sweets is the reason why we don’t keep too many desserts in the house – I’d probably eat too much too quickly. (It would probably be better for my health if I got rid of desserts for the rest of my life – but where’s the fun in that?) 

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